
Thursday, 8 September 2016

I Am Just Here And It Occurred To Me Some People's Dads...

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So I went on Facebook and the first thing I saw was a message sent to my inbox by one of our furious readers, an internet friend from Nigeria. I opened the link and it landed me on someone's wall. I went through the post and just didn't place much attention on it at first. As I was scrolling down to see people's updates (as usual), my mind kept thinking about what I had just read. I had to go back to it again. The post, which was originally posted still by a Nigerian, said: 'I am just here and it occurred to me some people's dads will be buying iPhone7 this weekend and it won't be for their mums'. This sank straight into my blood vessels, my heart, and spinal cord!  I got so devastated reading it that I had to share it here with you all. For the records, as at the last time I saw the post on Facebook, people reacted by liking, laughing, and showing sadness - all of which are Facebook's comments reactions. 
What do you personally think about the post? Funny? Not to be taken too serious? Or, are you thinking the same way I am thinking? To me, the poster was addressing dads who spend their money not on their wives, not on their children, not on their families, but on some girls out there. Note, although the poster talked about married men; let's not forget that both men and women are guilty of this menace. It's a free world, I know, and no single human can deny us that right. However, should it also be a 'free world' to those who have taken their time to swear to be together in marriage? Or, am I the only one who takes marriage too serious and sacred? The post immediately got me thinking: imagine my dad doing this, when my mom is somewhere out there without even something like iPhone4 in her possession!  How sad would it be? 
I once talked about some serious effects of cheating on your partner, and I want to reiterate it here: The enormity of what you've done is immeasurable. You've belittled your partner, you've taken them for granted, you've shown they're worthless, you've disrespected them, you've shared their glory with others, you've exposed them, you've told them they made a mistake to decide to love you - words cannot explain! It hurts! It's clear betrayal!! How do you treat your partner? Where is the human conscience? You're very much comfortable buying heaven and earth for an intruder, when your husband/wife/fiance is long neglected by you? At times (and the worst) these are partners who are most faithful to us, but we decide to pay them back by cheating on them, giving to outsiders what actually belongs to them.
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No one is perfect, but we must seek to be perfect! I have a serious, well-fed conscience that talks to me every second of my life. It might not be iPhone7 this time round, but something even smaller and cheaper. Additionally, I would say, such acts elevates the intruder to a level way higher than the partner you're cheating on - or at least, place them both on same level. Either way, it's not just ok. Give your partner the sense of belonging, the right they deserve, the blessings the're worthy of, and the respect due them for the sole reason of being your partner. It's not an easy decision for someone to ignore billions of people in the world just to settle with you forever, all in the name of love. Should their reward be like the one discussed above? To me, what the Nigerian man posted remains touching and sad, only if you understand. People out there are suffering hell simply because they went into a partneship with someone who actually only cares about intruders. Your spouse begs you for money, but you freely give to a outsider. You shop for someone out there when your kids and spouse ain't having anything to wear, no nice house to live in, no car to drive. Ladies and gentlemen, don't share people's honour, love, and respect with anyone else. It's not worth it!
Thanks for reading. But more importantly, make a change.

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