
Saturday, 4 June 2016

TRUST: What They Will Never Tell You About It

H-a-p-p-y n-e-w m-o-n-t-h! It's always my pleasure to have you back. I value my readers beyond measure. Once again, welcome to today's read. You must have observed by now that I've been so much concerned with the issues of love, trust, and faithfulness in our day-to-day relationships. This is because no relationship survives without these three pillars. Dove is not the only one who preaches about these. As for that of 'trust', you'll always see people talk about it on social media, at home, in school - everywhere. But there's one aspect of it that's never really been told. In todays piece, I will briefly tell you what you might have missed all this while in your relationship, which possibly caused you some sleepless nights.
Credit: www.snopes.come
Have you sat down, observed your partner and asked questions if they're really trustworthy? Or, does it bother you at all whether or not your spouse is cheating on you? Have you tried to be precise, factually trying to make conclusions about the level of trust your partner deserves? Have you ever wondered if you've wrongly judged your partner? Humans are naturally jealous. It's a must. With the level of freewill everyone has, with the level of complexities and unending human interactions in a globalised world like ours, our relationships are bound to suffer the more. Today your partner is on a (strange) call, tomorrow they're chatting, next tomorrow they're on a date - and these, among others, are happening without you. You're bound to ask questions. You're bound to be inquisitive. All those little things we do in our relationships, I've always said, matter a lot. Don't do things that will make you suspicious to your partner.
However, as for the partner who always feels (maybe rightly or wrongly) that you're being cheated on, this is it: it's one thing for you to expect your spouse to be trustworthy; it's another thing for you to be able to trust them. Why did I say that? I've found out through experience and 'experiments' that most condemned partners are actually faithful! But the problem is that the worrying partner is just unable to trust that partner. A woman can keep suspecting her man is not trustworthy or faithful, not because the man is guilty of anything. But simply because the woman is just unable to trust the man. Same thing applies to the man. We actually do mistakenly suspect people instead of trusting them, meanwhile they're so innocent to a fault. Do you know that the man/woman you've been suspecting all this while might actually be more faithful to you than you are to them, and more trustworthy than you?
Many homes have been broken, many relationships shattered, many lives lost, and property destroyed out of anger - all because we don't just trust our partner; not because they're are guilty. But because we don't just know how to trust them. Some people just can't trust! Are you acting on hearsays, or on what you see in your dreams? Sit back, don't put yourself in any position of pressure. Be calm. Be factual. Follow your 'suspicious' partner bit by bit till you find out the truth. You maybe shocked to know you're never cheated on.
On a final note, trusting people is hard, even God knows it too well. It's the first truth you must accept in today's read. And in case you care to know, there're many reasons why people keep suspecting their partners this bad, even when they really don't have any facts to back their allegations. Without a long list, such reasons could be due to: (1) that person once betrayed you in the past (2) you're the type that values trust so much so that once betrayed, you can't easily trust again (3) the suspicious partner is engaging in some activities that look suspicious to you.  If you want to know some of those little things we do in our relationships that make us suspicious, please click on this (4) you're the type that just can't trust people, and the list goes on.
So, why not rethink your position towards your partner? I hope you ain't putting tears in the eyes of someone who's actually faithful to you? Let's make a change!
Did you learn anything today? Please share and comment your thoughts.
Thanks for the precious time spent.


  1. Nicely written.
    Would love to have from stuff from you...

    1. Hi Rahul,
      Could you please make it clearer: did you say you would love to have stuffs from me, like reading more of my write-ups? If so, you're highly welcome. Just let me know the things you would love to hear/read.
      Thanks for sharing.

  2. Think I like this. Explains the imperfect me. As if you're actually writing about my relationship. Thanks for the insight.
