
Thursday, 19 May 2016

Qualities to Look Out for Before Going into that Relationship

Some impatient people, merely seeing that header, would just wonder if it's now my business to choose partners for people. Why should people detect to me the qualities I need in a man/woman? Are they the ones to be in the relationship? Nearly everyone thinks same way when they're still wallowing in the euphoria of lust, romance, and love.  However, when they get together and things go in the contrary they start looking for help and advice, forgetting they once didn't want people's interference in their relationship(s). With a very humble and peaceful heart I say, you and I are here to share our problems and find solutions to them. We're here to help one another. We're here to collectively make people have peace in every form of relationship they go into. In that sense, why not let us discuss a bit?
We have to consider three key things that make up a successful, gratifying, and lasting relationship/marriage: love, sincerity, and everlasting (although many engage in contract marriage and relationships nowadays. That's not part of our advice. We encourage it being 'forever', not 'contractual', till death strikes). If you've ever been motivated by any of these three things, then this piece of work is for you. As far as the human nature is concerned, everyone wants to be loved in a relationship. Everyone wants not just sincerity, but a very serious one; they want to trust and be trusted. Everyone wants their relationship or marriage to last forever, except you're among the anything-goes set of people (which is the joy of the animal kingdom. But I think humans should be different!). Without much ado, as you consider many other qualities in him/her, the following should not be neglected:
1. Love:
We actually mentioned this somewhere above, and we talked about it in one of our previous write-ups. So you'll agree with me there's no need dwelling on this very one again. But just to spice it up, try to make sure the person you're about hanging your life and hope on actually loves you. If they don't love you, no need wasting your precious time in that relationship. No love, no need for a relationship. Shouldn't it be that simple and clear? The main problem, however, has always been how to know if someone loves us? Well, we attempted answering this question sometime in the past. Please click the link above.
2. Faithful:
Before I begin, I advise you read this to know more about trust and faithfulness in relationships. I bet you, no sane human being would buy a Ferrari for his/her partner in appreciation for being able to cheat on them. I know there are relationships nowadays where partners don't care what the other does. Such are relationships meant to achieve some (material) gains, like visa, estate, children, name them. Dove's Heart wouldn't even discuss such a relationship in the dream. Lol. Love and faithfulness are rare - and at times impossible - qualities you should ever expect in contract partnerships. Be it as it may, please ensure he/she is a faithful person. You don't want to have any form of heart attack simply because of an unfaithful partner. No one is perfect, I know, but we MUST all strife to be perfect. I will say it again and again, being in a relationship is not compulsory; it will never be! Don't suffer in silence when it's not necessary.  If they don't want to aim at perfection, you can say a serious goodbye. Unfaithful partners can bring you problems of every sort, including diseases. Don't forget, unfaithfulness was the only ground Jesus allowed divorce. So?
3. Respect:
You must have come across one of our quotes somewhere, or possibly you heard it from another person, that if your partner doesn't respect you, you might have to consider changing hands. Love also respects! Now, to be very candid, this quote is only for those that are not married. If you're a Christian reading this, lack of respect is not enough reason for you to leave your marriage (unfaithfulness was the only ground Jesus accepted divorce. Don't tell God I said you should divorce when there's no respect in your marriage. Jesus has already made the Christian stance clear). Respect, they say, is reciprocal. You earn it when you give it. But if you give it without earning it, rethink your relationship. Disrespectful people have the tendency to harm, as they're always proud. Have you ever heard your neighbours shout at each other mercilessly and violently? You don't want that in your home. If you go ahead and get married, hmmm, that family might turn to WrestleMania...and no referee would want to officiate it. So avoid it now. But then, what counts as (dis)respect differs from one person to another. Without any attempt to make any list on this, you should know what you want as respect.
4. Peaceful:
Some people are naturally peaceful. Please pause for a second and clap for these great beings. If you're one, congratulations to you. While this stands true, others can be peaceful by first attaining the three qualities (of love, faithfulness, and respect) above. However, someone can be peaceful without loving you, and without being faithful to you. But peaceful people are likely going to be respectful, not always, not 100%. I'm on my knees begging you now, don't go into any relationship with someone who's not peaceful. You'll run out of that relationship with the speed of light. In this age of enlightenment, people should be able to make right choices for themselves; people should be able to aim for a better, peaceful world. It begins with us and our individual families. Stop breeding violence. Don't complicate issues for the United Nations again. Lol.
5. Caring:
Women's favourite word. Haha. I know all the ladies reading will adjust their chairs now while smiling. *Winks*. Men also need care! Caring for someone is not all about buying those handbags and shoes, those iPhones and cars; it's not about giving people money or touring the world. Being caring means being there in times of need, either partially or completely. Caring means assisting people. Don't be tempted to do what you're not supposed to do, for needs are different from wants! You shouldn't only be caring towards your spouse and family; be caring towards outsiders. Don't be a selfish partner.
6. Understanding/Mature:
If there's one thing that has and will always successfully break relationships, it's Mr. Immaturity. Having understanding and maturity is not a matter of age or educational qualifications; it's about the person involved. Some people put up this quality naturally, with or without much formal education, and with(out) crossing the 18 age line. A mature wife/husband wouldn't embarrass the other in the public. A mature wife/husband wouldn't  misunderstand the other's words and actions. If you're mature, you won't get drunk in the public, bringing shame to your home. If you're mature, you won't wear what people of sound minds shouldn't wear. Mature and understanding people protect the integrity of their partners and partners' families. If you're mature and understanding, food shouldn't bring any problem between you and members of your spouse's family/friends. Mature and understanding parents won't embarrass their older children in front of the youngers ones. Mature and understanding people correct their partners amicably, not staging a John Cena vs Tripple-H show in the home. Mature and understanding partners should be able to bear with their partners when they don't have what they ask for, eg. money. Don't abuse your partner. Some people can be so out of this world that every little play you make with them turns to serious issues. You jokingly tell your partner 'I'm finer than you', they misinterpret you grossly. Yea, while you should know when to and what to joke with your partner about, it's pertinent that maturity and understanding be wholly embraced. Be mature in life!
7. Forgiving:
It's in the nature of every single human being on this planet to err one another. Once again, no one is perfect. But when you keep doing same or similar thing(s), when you show a lackadaisical attitude towards change, are you seriously expecting people to keep coping with you? Everyone needs peace in life. For the  single fact that we all go wrong, everyone of us should be able to forgive one another. People who are unforgiving are inhumane. Stay clear from them. It surprises me a lot that you err me and I'm able to forgive you. But if I just do a little thing to you, you swear not to forgive me. We can't go on! I preach forgiveness, but not repetition of same mistake (in fact, mistakes repeated shouldn't be seen as mistakes any longer. I hate it when people don't just want to change for good). Don't date or marry someone who can't forgive you, and don't be a spouse who always does things and seeks forgiveness. Every second should lead us to a better life, not a life cycle of mistakes and plea for forgiveness. If you don't need peace, I seriously do.
8. Truthful:
Maybe I should have touched a little on this under the discussion on faithfulness above. Not to worry. If you've ever been in a relationship with someone who's not truthful, then you'll understand why God threw the devil all the way from heaven to land on rocks. I wish he received more pains when he landed. Lol. Insincere people are as annoying and unpredictable as midnight mosquitoes. They can put you in trouble and as well bring you out. They can destroy your life in seconds even before atomic bombs remember to explode. They can make you regret being born. You seriously don't need them! Before you finalise to settle down with him or her, please find out how truthful they are. Don't date or marry people who will make you have sleepless nights, people whose daily activities you can't tell, people who appear innocent but actually devilish, people who provide all your needs in as much as they successfully rob banks and shops. K-n-o-w  y-o-u-r  p-a-r-t-n-e-r  v-e-r-y w-e-l-l!
No need to write too much. You've been exposed to some of the qualities you should ensure he/she has before going into that relationship. Think well and add more to this list. Enjoy your home!
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  1. nice and wonderful article you have here.

    1. Hi Ikanna Samuel. Thanks a lot for your comment. I've just visited your site It's an awesome place to dwell. xx
